Thursday, October 31, 2013

What Are We Gonna Have For Dinner? I Dunno - What Do You Want?

We ask this question too many times to count in our house. You would think with just the two of us that it would be an easy chore to figure out what's for dinner. But sometimes, when you're a workin' woman who has so many agendas, you just get tired of figuring it out.

Days like these are when I like to have some ingredients on hand for a speedy dinner. That's when a bag of tater tots in the freezer and some hot dogs in the fridge can come in real handy. Even though it may not be the healthiest way to eat, it sure can take the pressure of a girl. If I'm going to buy frozen tater tots (or in this case Crispy Crowns), I going to grab the Ore-Ida brand. If this girl is gonna splurge on frozen taters it's gotta be Ore-Ida. Ore-Ida?

 Now I don't get all fancy with my Ore-Ida's. I don't add them to a recipe or top them with gravy. I just like them tossed in the oven (yeah, I'm sure they're way better in the deep fryer, but hey, I gotta try to be good) and then tossed on my plate next to a side of ketchup. And a hot dog. Um...A Koegel's hot dog. No exceptions! And in this case, a side of roasted cauliflower. 

What a dinner, huh? But it was fast! I like fast. And very little cleanup! 

So grab a bag of your favorite Ore-Ida potatoes and make your next meal in a snap.

 I am an Allrecipes Allstar Brand Ambassador (a voluntary position) and I’m not compensated for my work with   Product received from an Advertiser is only used for experience based reviews on this site. The reviews, content and opinions expressed in this blog are purely the sole opinions of Livin' Life - One Spoonful At A Time.  


  1. Kelly, I'm so jealous! We love our Ore-Ida but since we moved from Michigan to Maryland we can't find our Koegel hot dogs. Best. Hotdogs. Ever! Sounds like a nice quick and easy dinner!

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon. Koegel's is definitely a Michigan favorite dog. I would send you some if I could!

  2. You had me 'til you added the roasted cauliflower.
